Payments for Initial consultations are non- refundable.
Goods & Merchandise
From time to time links may be found to external third party websites and products.
Please see our disclaimer and the third party suppliers' website returned merchandise
and refund policies for more details on such products. Any product purchased from
these suppliers is not the responsibility of Child Care Accounting and Financial
Services and Child Care Accounting and Financial Services offers no refunds and
will not accept any returned good from such suppliers.
Any goods or merchandise offered for sale directly from this Website are not subject
to any warranty and we cannot guarantee the product being appropriate for every
individual circumstance. No refund will be offered if a product is not helpful /
appropriate to your circumstance, so please make any selection of a product carefully.
If however the product is defective, please return the product within 14 days and
we will provide a replacement of the product free of charge. Postage and freight
costs for returning such products is the responsibility of the purchaser. Refunds
will not be offered for defective goods, but the value of the item may be used to
purchase alternative products and services we offer.